Optimal positioning session
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Your baby being in a good or ‘optimal’ position during labour is one of the factors that can contribute massively to a natural onset of labour, good progress in labour and a straightforward, uncomplicated birth. This is because your baby is in the best position to work with your contractions and navigate the pelvis with more ease.
Reassuringly, the majority of babies will naturally turn into a head down position before birth, only a very small percentage do not turn before their due date.

However, some lifestyle and physical factors are known to have an impact on optimal positioning and discovering that your baby is in a breech or sub-optimal position can be concerning for women, many reporting a negative impact from this on the enjoyment of the last weeks of their pregnancy.
If your baby is been found to be in the breech (bottom down) postion at around 36 weeks of pregnancy, an obstetric doctor will discuss the medical options with you for turning your baby. These options can be sucessful but can also be quite invasive and sometimes painful.
If you baby is in a sub optimal position in labour, this is often associated with a longer labour, increased discomfort, reduced energy levels and an increased risk of intervention and assisted birth.
Your contractions in labour do themselves help to turn your baby and there are of course things that can be done to resolve this at the time, but once you are in labour this is harder to achieve.
There are many natural techniques and therapies that can be used to promote good positioning much earlier in pregnancy and for turning breech babies.

With these factors in mind, Chrissie was determined to offer options to women and has combined her clinical experience, the best available evidence, therapies and techniques to do so.
Chrissie offers gentle breech turning options and has developed a specific optimal positioning session.
As well as providing advice and information on breech (and other) presentations and bio-mechanics of the pelvis in relation to pregnancy and birth, these sessions incorporate effective gentle, natural therapies and techniques, all of which have been shown to be extremely effective in encouraging optimal postioning.
As with all services at Mamma Me Time, Chrissie will complete a thorough consultation to ensure that the session is suitable and safe for you.
Your session may involve a selection of therapies and techniques based on your individual circumstances, position of your baby and your personal preference.
Therapies include:
* Moxibustion* (extremely effective traditional Chinese therapy for breech turning) * Acupuncture * Myofascial release * Stretches & postural exercises * Rebozo sifting * Massage * Aromatherapy * Acupressure*

Optimal positioning sessions are suitable from 30 weeks for any mamma who would like to ensure the best position of baby but aimed particularly at those with breech, transverse or ‘back to back’ position babies.
The session itself is 90 minutes but also usually requires an ongoing commitment from you to continue any recommended techniques and therapies in the days/weeks after your session
Moxibustion for breech is most effective between 34 and 36 weeks (although still useful after this point) and is available combined with an optimal positioning session or as a standalone appointment.
Just wanted to say thanks again for yesterday. Had my hospital appointment today and she was engaged….
…..I was convinced it was due to yesterday
Optimal positioning session inclusive of therapies, moxibustion and take home oil blend – 1hr 45minutes – £90
Acupuncture (Can include moxibustion) – From £60
Moxibustion alone – 30mins – £40