Natural induction session

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The best way for your body to labour is spontaneously, when it is ready to and without intervention.

Due to the increase in the number of medical inductions of labour, and keen to avoid a medical approach, more and more women are seeking natural induction methods.

With this in mind, Mamma Me Time offers a specifically designed, fully inclusive natural induction service. The session is designed to be gentle and safe.

It will not force your body to labour before it is ready, but through incorporating information, advice and a range of natural therapies and techniques, it helps to optimise your chances of spontaneous, natural labour and to aide progress throughout your labour once it starts.

The main aim of the session is to avoid unnecessary medical intervention in the safest and most effective way.

The natural induction session includes a thorough consultation to discuss your individual circumstances and identify if there are any potential factors impacting on your chances of labouring without intervention. You will then be advised on the best natural therapies and techniques for your individual needs and these will be incorporated into your session.

If appropriate you will be taught how to continue to use specific acupressure points and receive your own specific oil blend to take with you to continue to use at home.

As with a medical induction there are unfortunately no 100% guarantees of success, the session and therapies used are intended to promote the optimum conditions first and foremost and then to gently encourage contractions and labour where appropriate.

The session is mainly aimed at those keen to avoid a potential medical induction of labour but it is suitable to anyone keen to optimise the conditions for a natural onset and good pregress in labour.

as with all services, Chrissie will fully assess and advise you if it is appropriate for your individual circumstances.

The combined natural indcution session lasts approximately 105 minutes. It is suitable from 36 weeks as a gentle birth preparation session or from your due date onward as a natural induction session.

All techniques taught can be used right up to the day you give birth as well as during labour. It is perfect to come along to with your partner as you will both receive lots of useful, helpful information and supportive tools to use until your little one arrives. As with all services, full ongoing aftercare advice is included as standard.

Other useful sessions to consider for gently encouraging labour naturally at Mamma Me Time:

Pregnancy induction massage – A 90 minute pregnancy therapy session including 70minutes of hands-on, full body relaxation massage. Specially selected oils and stimulation of acupressure points in this massage experience are specifically designed to help you feel amazing, reduce stress hormones and increase your oxytocin levels.

Maternity acupuncture – Book an acupuncture course any time from 36 weeks either alone or alongside a pregnancy massage or natural induction session to help prepare your body & mind and gently, naturally and safely promote the onset of labour 

I just wanted to say a huge thank you for the acupressure massage I had. Your expert touch made me go into labour in the early hours of that next morning! I did not think it would happen that quick!!

Stacey Matthews


Acupuncture – From £60

Combined Natural Induction Session – 1hr 45minutes – £90