Maternity Acupuncture
Book NowAcupuncture is an incredible therapy which is widely recognised due to it’s amazing results and evidence base.
It involves inserting very fine, sterile needles into specific points throughout the body, it is virtually pain-free and most importantly, safe for all stages of pregnancy.
Acupuncture originates from Traditional Chinese Medicine and more recently, it is also widely used by various healthcare professionals trained in acupuncture specific to their area of expertise. These techniques add another great option to help achieve best possible results for clients.
Acupuncture can be safely used at any point in pregnancy and continued right through to the postnatal period so it is a great therapy option. Maternity acupuncture at Mamma Me Time can be used as a standalone therapy or in combination with other therapies, aiming to achieve the very best possible results from each treatment.
Chrissie is a fully qualified and insured maternity acupuncturist and in line with legal requirements, she and the Mamma Me Time premises have been inspected and certificated by South Norfolk Council.
Acupuncture can successfully help to treat a range of conditions including morning sickness & fatigue, pelvic pain, back pain & sciatica. It can successfully help to turn a breech baby, be used for preparation for birth and as a natural induction therapy or it can simply be used for relaxation. It is also beneficial for recovery from birth and also very beneficial for helping to resolve many breastfeeding issues.
As with all therapies, Chrissie will always complete a thorough assessment prior to any treatment ensuring your utmost safety and the best possible results.
For treatment of issues such as pelvic girdle pain, sciatica, backache, headaches, circulation issues, relaxation and general aches and pains, acupuncture in combination with other therapies would usually be recommended, to book this option select a 90 minute pregnancy therapy session.
For more direct treatment of issues such as morning sickness, severe anxiety, induction of labour and breastfeeding issues, standalone acupunture is normally recommended. For this option, select a 60minute acupuncture session, any recommended follow up sessions can be scheduled prior to, or at your first appointment.
I had two acupuncture sessions before I went into labor. Chrissie is so knowledgeable in her field, she genuinely seems invested in you from the get go, to the point she was one of the first people I announced the birth of my son to. Thank you Chrissie for all your help, I have recommended you to all my pregnant friends, you’re amazing!!
Maternity Acupuncture Sessions
For standalone acupuncture, book an initial 60 minute acupuncture session – £60
To combine acupuncture with massage / other therapy, book a bespoke / combined therapy session – £85
Follow up acupuncture sessions – £45
Follow up sessions and courses are not bookable online, you can arrange follow up sessions at your first appointment or contact Chrissie directly to pre schedule.